Research Databases: W
Weiss Financial RatingsWeiss Financial Ratings provides independent, unbiased financial strength ratings of banks, credit unions & insurance companies. It also provides conservative buy-hold-sell ratings of thousands of stocks, mutual funds & exchange traded funds. Those shopping for Medicare Supplement Insurance can use this resource to help a choose a carrier by comparing rates & plan benefits. |
What Tree is it? Ohio Tree IdentificationThis resource will help to identify Ohio trees by leaf, fruit, or by name. |
What’s that Snake? Ohio Snake IdentificationUse this resource to identify Ohio snakes based on characteristics or by name. This resource also helps to dispel many snake related myths. |
What’s the Point? Ohio Arrowhead IdentificationIdentify flint artifacts, found in Ohio, using this resource. |
World BookAllows you to pick the type of encyclopedia that relates to the content you are researching. |
World Book Early World of LearningThis encyclopedia uses games, fun facts, art, and traditional reading to cater to the youngest group of users. |
World Book FrenchEncyclopedic information with French speaking patrons in mind. |
World Book KidsEncyclopedic information with the school-aged children in mind. |
World Book SpanishAn encyclopedia for Spanish speaking patrons. |
World Book TimelinesBuild and share timelines. Use your own events and images or add content and images from World Book. |