“Tails and Tales” is the theme of Rodman Public Library’s 2021 Adult, Teens, and Children’s Summer Reading Program that begins on Tuesday, June 1 and runs through Saturday, July 31.
The adult program is open to ages 18 and older. Adults may sign up for Summer Reading either with a paper form from the Main Library, Branch Library or Bookmobile, or online at https://rodmanlibrary.beanstack.org/ or by downloading the Beanstack app. For those participating using the paper form, any check out transaction of library materials qualifies for one ticket to be entered into a weekly drawing for a gift bag filled with a variety of goodies, including an Amazon gift card. Patrons may have multiple checkouts per day. For those participating online, each book read qualifies for one ticket to be entered into a weekly drawing for a digital Amazon gift card. Additional entries will be given for each additional book read in each week. All who participate in the program will be entered into the Grand Prize drawings.
The Summer Reading Program for children and teens at Rodman Library will run concurrently with the adult program. Participants of the children’s Summer Reading Program may sign up at the front desk of the Main Children’s Department, the Branch Library, and Bookmobile or online at https://rodmanlibrary.beanstack.org/ or by downloading the Beanstack app. Children who read for six hours will earn a certificate, free book, bonus prizes, and an entry ticket into the Grand Prize drawings. Reading additional five hours will earn more entry tickets into the Grand Prize drawings. Completing all nine activity challenges will earn another entry ticket into the Grand Prize drawings.
Teens, ages 12-18, may sign up by going online at https://rodmanlibrary.beanstack.org/ or by downloading the Beanstack app. Teens who complete 20 hours of reading will receive a paperback book and another prize and will be entered into the Grand Prize drawing. Additional entries into the Grand Prize drawing can be earned by reading an additional ten hours, reading three hours per week, and completing challenge activities. Grand prizes include $100 gift cards for Amazon, Gamestop, and Walmart.
For more information, call the library at 330-821-2665, ext. 107, or check out our website at www.rodmanlibrary.com.