Over the past couple of years, Robb Hyde has taken Rodman Library patrons on a journey to the past in exploring the Alliance area’s rich railroad history.
On Wednesday, November 8, Hyde will take us into the station with the final installment of his three-part series with “Streetcars, Streamlines, and Changing Times: Alliance Railroad History, Part III.”
The program will be held twice – once at 1:30 p.m. and again at 6:30 p.m. – in the Main Auditorium. Registration is required to attend.
In describing the latest talk, Hyde wrote: “Streetcars enhanced local transportation. Streamliners dazzle the eyes and modernize the staid railroads. The rise of cars, trucks and planes in the 20th Century makes for trying times. Passenger service collapses, capacity declines, and mergers fail, but the government intercedes and freight business consolidates and thrives, with a dizzying impact on Alliance.”
Hyde is the President of the Alliance Area Preservation Society, the group best known for operating the Haines House, a historic station on the Underground Railroad. He is the retired Director of the Wayne Center for the Arts in Wooster, and previously spent fifteen years at the Canton Museum of Art as Director of Marketing and Development.
He’s currently working on two books: At The Crossing: Alliance, Ohio’s Railroad Journey and Trailblazers, Freedom Seekers & Abolitionists: The Story of the Haines House.
The program is sponsored by the Alliance Area Preservation Society, the Alliance Historical Society, and Castle Crusaders.